Advanced Search

These search operators help you save time hunting down those company/supplier names!

Search translation
Returns results with the exact term or phrase
“ImportYeti rocks and it made my life so freaking better omggg”
Show results that exactly contains ImportYeti rocks and it made my life so freaking better omggg
| (OR)
Returns results with either of the terms used
ImportYeti | rocks
Show results that contain either ImportYeti or rocks
+ (AND)
Returns results with both of the terms used (Note: This is our default operator when there’s no symbol indicated on your search. Will be useful if combined with other operators.)
ImportYeti + rocks
Show results that contain both ImportYeti and rocks
Returns results that exclude the term or phrase
ImportYeti -sucks
Show results that contain ImportYeti without the term sucks
Acts as a placeholder for any term or phrase, like fill in the blanks.
Show results that contain I (any term) ImportYeti
Groups multiple operators for a more refined search.
(love+ImportYeti) -hate
Show results that contain both love and ImportYeti, without the term hate