Balchem Italia
Via Del Porto Snc Marano Ticino No 28040 It
Location matches found: Marano Ticino(nearest)>Provincia di Novara>Piemonte
Also imports under 2 names and 1 addresses
View listMost Recent Shipment: 09/28/2024 (Database Updated: 09/30/2024)
Avg. TEU per Shipment: 1.87
Avg. TEU per Month: 4.21
Total Sea Shipments: 527
Est. Total Shipping Spend: $556,632.5 (50.28% coverage)?Benchmark your shipping spend
Balchem Italia's Total Sea Shipments Over Time
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Last Month's Total Shipments: 2-7.69% (1Y)
Balchem Italia's Customers
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Breakdown of Balchem Italia's Exports Per Country
Shipments Breakdown by Bill Type
house: 526 shipments
See all house shipmentsregular: 1 shipments
See all regular shipmentsNotify Party Stats
- with Notify Party: 355 shipments
- without Notify Party: 172 shipments
Date | Bill of Lading | Customers | Weight | No. of Containers | Description | Est. Freight Cost ? |
No results.
oline 517line chloride 337ca 325bitartrate 141bita 141oned 94hydrogen 9roge 9chem 9citra 8bicarb 7bicarbonate 7bona 7methan 5methanol 5meth 5hydroxide 5roxi 5metha 5oxide 5methano 5oxid 5registration 3registration number 1slat 1nutri 1mins 1nima 1nutr 1riti 1nutrition 1lina 1cloruro 1nine 1lubo 1propylene glycol 1propylen 1propyl 1pyle 1ropy 1lyco 1propylene 1scoop 1scoops 1oops 1mead 1salts 1mable 1line base 1rosi 1